Making data-based decisions with certainty

Only the automated collection and visualization of machine data can show your effective production performance including the weak points in your system – without any serious errors and mistakes. The MDC module from Hummingbird can do even more. It generates and monitors Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), integrates a wide variety of machines, and is open to any expansion towards a Manufacturing Execution System (MES).

In times of rising costs and falling margins, data provides a far better basis for making profitable decisions than instinct, experience and gut-feeling. MDC systems use real-time monitoring to provide continuous information regarding work status, production quantities, capacities, and machine malfunctions. It makes running and idle times transparent and it is also possible to compare actual and target states with production cost calculations. In short, it reflects production efficiency and is now an essential requirement to ensure effective optimization.

MDC module from Hummingbird: Your universal collector and guardian

Our MDC module provides an ideal basis for getting started with digitalizing your production. With Hummingbird MES:

  • Automated data collection and visualization
    Hummingbird automatically collects all available machine data. User-defined dashboards display machine and work status with additional histograms from the last few days in a clear, concise and live format. You can use this data and alarms to immediately notify staff in the event of a malfunction.
  • Measure your success with KPIs 
    Use Hummingbird to generate typical KPIs such as efficiency (time recorded via MDC compared to the defined capacity of the machine) or Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF). This is the average operating time between two faults or failures of a machine. Alternately, customers can create bespoke key figures using the API function (programming language: Python). Users can then set up complete monitoring of these KPIs.
  • Interaction with all machines
    The unique openness of Hummingbird allows almost all machines to be connected via a wide range of interfaces, such as OPC UA, MTConnect, Röders XML or Modbus. The IoT module on board is an autonomous computer and makes it possible to integrate even older machine models.  

What’s the next digital step?

Once you have implemented the MDC module, further expansion towards digital production with Hummingbird is easy to accomplish. Depending on your business strategy, the next step may be to integrate the CAM system, add the 'planning/control' module and connect to your enterprise resource planning system (ERP system). You can even control tool logistics via Hummingbird. This is yet another module for creating synergies. Users can also generate and monitor additional combined key figures such as scrap rates or planned time achievements.

Your advantages at a glance

  • The automated MDC eliminates manual data collection errors and creates real transparency when it comes to machine performance – down to the last detail
  • MDC provides the data foundations that are vital for making targeted improvements through conclusive decisions in automated production g
  • The MDC module works with virtually any machine – this also eliminates the need to retrofit special interfaces
  • Hummingbird keeps you open to all future steps towards MES and digitalization
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